25 definitions by Deej

Optimism is trust that things will get better no matter how bad they seem, looking for the best aspects of any situation, and the belief that good will inevitably triumph over evil.
An optimist looks at a rose and ignores the thorns. A pessimist focuses on the thorns, oblivious of the rose.
by Deej July 24, 2004
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The tastiest thing to come out of Italy until Monica Bellucci came along.
There's nothing quite like a hot plate of pizza, a cold soft drink, and a good movie on the TV.
by Deej July 23, 2004
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1. A person who believes that they are superior to others (and thus deserve favored status) because of their intellect, social status, wealth, or other factors.

2. Somebody who believes that society should be ruled by an elite class.
The acedemic's elitist, arrogant outlook made it hard for him to make friends with people.
by Deej July 27, 2004
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A non-Japanese person who has a near-indescrimate love of all things from Japan. Japanophiles watch anime religiously, import overpriced novelty items from Japan, collect samurai swords, play untranslated Japanese video games, eat large amounts of Japanese food, rave about how Japanese culture is superior to every other culture on the planet, etc.

See also wapanese, egg, and otaku.
The japanophile believed that a samurai sword could cut through solid steel like a blowtorch through butter.
by Deej July 30, 2004
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When u feel fucked, when u feel hungover, when u feel pretty much anything this word is very versatile
I feel wounded, that guy is wounded (personality- as in a rogue fella), that night was wounded
by Deej September 24, 2020
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The original collectable card game (CCG), where players purchase packs of randomized cards and assemble decks used to compete against others. Created by the Washington-based company Wizards of the Coast, Magic: The Gathering achieved great popularity in the early-to-mid 1990s, and paved the way for other CCGs such as Legend of the Five Rings and Pokemon. Magic: The Gathering still remains popular to this day, although not to the same level as it used to.
The player's Magic: The Gathering collection contained over a thousand cards.
by Deej July 29, 2004
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A slightly-curved, single-edged sword carried by the samurai in fuedal Japan. Contrary to popular belief, the katana was not the primary weapon used by samurai, and was mostly used only for dueling or ceremonial purposes. Over the last few decades, movies and anime have exaggerated the sharpness and durability of the weapon to a point where many people now believe katanas to be some kind of indestructable super-sword.
"Following World War II, many American GIs brought home katanas looted from Japanese officers."
by Deej July 16, 2004
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