25 definitions by Deej

Limousine liberal (or latte liberal) is a deragatory term used to describe a rich liberal who considers themself a champion of the poor and downtrodden, but lives a lifestyle of wealth and luxury.

Limousine liberals can usually be identified by any combination of the following behavior:

- They support gun control, but they go everywhere surrounded by armed bodyguards.

- They have a soft-on-crime stance, but they live in gated, private communities where there is no threat of crime.

- They tell people to ride bikes and use public transportation to reduce oil consumption, while themselves traveling around the world in private jets and rented luxury SUVs.

- They join organizations like PETA because they believe that killing animals is wrong, but they wear expensive leather belts and shoes.

Limousine liberal is mostly an American term. In Austrialia, an equivalent term is "chardonnay socialist", while in France the equivalent term is gauche caviar (caviar left).
"Famous limousine liberals include such people as Arianna Huffington, Michael Moore, Martin Sheen, Jane Fonda, Sean Penn, and Barbra Streisand."
by Deej July 22, 2004
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She is suffering from the worst case of hemroids i have ever seen.
by Deej March 23, 2003
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The world's most popular pen & paper Role Playing Game (RPG). Created in 1974 by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson, Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) combines role-playing with turn-based tactical combat. In a D&D game, one player is the "dungeon master" (DM) and the rest of the players are "player characters" (PCs). The PCs assume the role of adventurers (using fantasy archaetypes such as elves, wizards, halflings, barbarians, etc) while the DM creates challenges for the PCs to overcome (such as monsters and traps).

Over the years, the D&D game has been revised and published in multiple editions. The rights to Dungeons & Dragons are currently owned by Wizards of the Coast (creators of Magic: The Gathering) and Hasbro.
"We played Dungeons & Dragons for three hours. Then I was slain by an elf."

-Homer Simpson
by Deej July 20, 2004
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Nimbus 9000 is six marijuana blunts wrapped together. (2 blunts wide and 3 blunts long.)
Bring a bunch of weed, we are rolling a Nimbus 9000.
by Deej February 6, 2015
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A leftist rap/rock group from the 1990s who sang about the evils of capitalism and corporate greed, then made millions and broke up over money. See also hypocrite
"Rage against the Machine was a popular band among spoiled college students and angst-ridden high schoolers."
by Deej July 16, 2004
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1. A term usually applied to white males who have a clear sexual preference for women of asian descent, although it can also be used in reference to white females who prefer asian men.

2. An infectuous tropical disease carried by mosquitoes.
"Every time we go to the club, Dave goes straight for the asian women. I swear, that dude's got a serious case of yellow fever."
by Deej July 30, 2004
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Rice wine from Japan. Usually served hot rather than cold.
At the Japanese noodle stand, the man ordered a cup of sake to go along with his meal.
by Deej July 30, 2004
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