4 definitions by Decrata

It stands for Pen-in-Brain Syndrome. A rare disorder that is easily identified by the physician for the characteristic pen lodged in the brain. PBS is almost always fatal. There was one instance recorded example of a man suffering from PBS for years, without realizing he was missing portions of his brain that governed logic and reason. Upon removal of the pen, however, he died.
"This is a clear cut case, ladies and gentlemen. This man died from Pen-in-Brain!" (PBS)
by Decrata December 24, 2013
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Spontaneous Mouth Birth (SMB)

Drinking/Eating something so fully and completely vile that it will cause pregnant women to immediately vomit the child through the mouth, giving birth orally.

Often times the side effect of drinking a friend's specially crafted "micro-brew style beer" Like a mulberry beer.

Essentially, vomiting horribly...
My wife took a sip of your micro brew and had spontaneous mouth birth . It was THAT BAD!
by Decrata September 3, 2013
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A massive dinner with overly large foods that would not usually be done unless eating huge quantities is the goal.
That epic meal night where we made that 20 pound burrito was awesome! epic meal time spontaneous mouth birth gargantuan
by Decrata April 14, 2015
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A slang term for Tomato Pie. The pizza that has a thick crust with only a thicker tomato sauce as a coating.
Man, that was some really good pizza pie.
by Decrata November 11, 2013
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