1 definition by Danktangan

Dialect from the New York area, a medium-pitched warbled emitted from the rear poop passage, usually associated with the emission of shit juice.

Bronx Cheer is a term associated with a similar word from the New York dialect, Bronx Bombers - a word commonly misunderstood to refer to the proverbial team's hitting prowess, it is now known that both terms originate with a regrettable roadtrip night during which the Pinstripers spent binging on beans and broccoli.

The home team, none other than the Chowds, was so overcome with the super nauseous naus that contributed immediately to the Yanks 8-1 win the next day, as well as an immediate need for team-wide uniform pant replacements.

The next time the commie-boots visited the Babe's house, Yankee fans greeted them with a chorus of orally-produced "Bronx Cheers" complete with dip-juice to simulate the events of the road trip prior.
"Why is Timmy in the office?"
"Right after history class started, he stood up, bent over and gave Mrs. Nance a real Bronx Cheer."
by Danktangan March 4, 2017
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