19 definitions by D-san

What to call someone when they fart.
One of you guys fucking guys farted...stinky fuckers.
by D-san July 12, 2003
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The very cool skull from Planescape: Torment. He pretended to be a mimir, a mechanical encyclopedia that happens to look like a skull, for a while, but it is eventually revealed that he was on the Pillar of Skulls in Avernus, the first layer of Baator.
"Morte, like, Latin...for death."
by D-san July 14, 2003
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I'm talentless. I'm not worth anything. Someone shoot me.
by D-san August 19, 2003
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Also known as "The Nine Hells," a place where the Lawful Evil characters from any version of Dungeons & Dragons go when they die.
"The stench of Baator lies thick around you, skull."
by D-san July 12, 2003
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Oh, I forgot to mention in the last entry: it's Japanese for "Call me Princess."
See above.
by D-san September 5, 2003
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A song from the Tenchi Muyo! Soundfile in which Aeka reveals that she is, in fact, a closet dominatrix.
by D-san July 12, 2003
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