10 definitions by CrunkMonk3y

1. Give = Present, feed, hand over, gift
2. Dog = Bitch (Female Dog)
3. Bone = Boner... (Erection)

Therefore 1+2+3 = Feed a Bitch a Boner

Your about to lay your dick upon a girls mouth, vagina , anus or anyother hole you can find/make...
- CrunkMonk3y "Imma Give a Dog a Bone!!"
- Girl "oooh pick me!"
by CrunkMonk3y January 5, 2012
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1. This is what I call the people who use Youtube to post videos of themselves looking at the camera confessing their opions for certain maters. Normally these Youtubers are young adults or teenagers. Frankly they have nothing better to do with their time so they resort to making videos wineing and complaining about the world.

2. They are trying to make a name for themselves by trying to get a Youtube audience. In their mind this will make them famous for being on the inter-web
CrunkMonk3y: "You know those kids on Youtube to cry and wine about social issues or themselves?...Yeah well i call them You-cry'n'wine-tubers"
by CrunkMonk3y January 16, 2012
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1. Rollling On The Floor Laughing Until I Die.

-This is to be said to someone who is doing something extremely funny ONLY or said something extremely funny ONLY.
- "Man I was ROTFLUID'ing."
by CrunkMonk3y January 2, 2012
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1. This is the shit that remains in the toilet bowl after it as been mal-flushed. It is not a plesant sight for the next person.
- "Ew! There are some Toilet Crums!"
by CrunkMonk3y January 2, 2012
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1. Well this clearly means that someone is straight when this is said outloud, but out of respect of others it would be said "I am straight" or "I like females" or "I am not gay"

2. Someone who enjoys having sex with girls.
- Someguy: "I am gay!"
- CrunkMonk3y: "I Like Pussy!"
by CrunkMonk3y January 2, 2012
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1. It just something that you say to someone in response to them thinking that they would Schoo, Put on a clinic, Show them how it is done, Do a number on..., in something such as playing a sport, video games and perhaps Life in general. So therefore, you tell that to someone when you want them to know that you are about to beat them at whatever you and him and/or her are about to do.
- "I am going to Take You To Town in this match of MW3."
- "I would take that girl to town."
- "I am going to take This pizza To Town."
by CrunkMonk3y January 2, 2012
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1.The act of inserting a "bad word", profanity, usually some derivative of the word "fuck," into the middle of an ordinary word/sentence to display ones fustration, emotion, opinion.

-See Turrets.

1. AfFUCKtion
2. FanFUCKINGtastic

by CrunkMonk3y December 30, 2011
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