73 definitions by Croatalin

To walk using dance steps; in the Vietnam War it was used to mean walking carelessly whilst on patrol, to move through enemy territory without paying attention to your surroundings and thus putting the other members of the patrol at risk.
By extension to move or act without considering the effect on others.
See that dumbass on point? Asshole's diddy bopping like 'e's in 'is own backyard! Fucker's gonna get us all killed!
Number ten! You gonna k-bar the fucker?
by Croatalin November 6, 2013
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Unlike WASP, this is s British acronym standing for Waste Of Space Prick (sometimes Prat or Pillock) and is usually applied to someone who is so monumentally stupid that they don't even realise they're stupid.
Malcolm's done it again! He got sent some malware and, instead of isolating it, he copied it to everybody, now the system is down for three days while it's cleaned out!
What a WOSP
by Croatalin December 7, 2013
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Acronym standing for Back Of Hand On Forehead. Usually applied to those people, male or female, who are drama queens and who make major obstacles out of minor difficulties. It goes back to the old silent movie dramas where, when the villain had the heroine in his evil clutches, she'd go all weak at the knees and the back of her hand would go to her forehead. The epitome of overdramatic exaggeration.
Malcolm's having a BOHOF moment.
Why? Did he forget to put sugar in his coffee?
by Croatalin January 13, 2014
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British Navy slang meaning to go out to get pissed usually by doing a pub-crawl and ending up having sex with a prostitute.
Geoff an' me are out on the razzle tonight, you want to come?
Nah! I'm boracic.
by Croatalin November 23, 2013
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Besides being the name of the knife used by US Army and Marines, k-bar can also be used as a verb. So if a k-bar knife is used to kill someone they can be said to have been k-barred.
You heard that STRAC REMF went missin' on patrol?
Yeah, heard too someone k-barred the bastard an' left 'im in the boonies.
No shit?
No shit.
by Croatalin November 6, 2013
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This expression originated with the British Royal Navy from the time of the wooden sailing ships. Storage of food aboard these vessels was quite primitive and foodstuffs were subject to attack by the numerous rats living on them. Frequently food, or other stores, would be destroyed by rats or so contaminated by them as to be totally unusable, the crew would then say that whatever had been destroyed had 'gone to rat shit'.

The expression became common in the Royal Dockyards where its use expanded to mean anything that had become broken or unusable whatever the cause. The use of the expression further expanded to mean someone who had changed from being a pleasant person to an unpleasant, grouchy bastard, or someone whose health was beginning to fail.
Malcolm's made another major fuck-up with the website, it's all gone to rat shit.
Yeah, when Sally told him about it, he screamed at her like it was her fault! He never was very nice, but now he's really gone to rat shit.
Malcolm's gone to see his doctor again, he really has gone to rat shit.
by Croatalin December 20, 2013
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There are a number of different defintions for this phrase:
1) Possibly the best known, someone, male or female who indulges in cunnilingus also know as muff diving.
2) Someone, usually a small child but can be an adult, who is prone to temper tantrums, throws themselves to the ground and bites the carpet.
3) Someone who is extremely eccentric, or even clinically insane, who is prone to do things that range from slightly strange to outrageously weird.
4) A derogatory name for a person with learning difficulties, similar to window licker.
1) Look at those two fat dykes! A right pair of rug munchers!
2) There was this really nasty kid, screaming at his mother in the middle of the shop, stamping his feet and trying to hit her! A thoroughly nasty little rug muncher.
3) John's acting stranger and stranger. It's sad to see a gifted man turning into a rug muncher.
4) If I hear you calling a person with learning difficulties a 'rug muncher' again, there will be real trouble.
by Croatalin November 30, 2013
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