73 definitions by Croatalin

There are a number of definitions to this phrase, two of the commonest being:

1) A person who exhibits abnormal behaviour, this can vary from mild eccentricity to full-blown, froth at the mouth insanity. The degree to which the person is a whack job is usually given by qualifiers to the phrase. Mild eccentricity would be indicated by saying the person was 'a bit of a whack job' stronger symptoms of eccentricity and the person would be 'a proper whack job'. If the person was seriously insane then they would be 'a total, out-and-out, raving whack job'.

2) A professional killing, also known as a hit. The whack part comes from the victim being killed (whacked), the job from the fact that this is done for payment by a professional (it's his or her job).
1) Jackson Galaxy is a bit of a whack job, but he knows a hell of a lot about cats (he's not bad on guitar either).

2) Spanner was found dead in his flat, looks like it was a whack job!
by Croatalin January 9, 2014
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Originally an acronym used by medical staff and stands for Totally Fucked But Unfortunately Not Dead Yet. It is used to describe patients who are quite literally dying or in a Persitant Vegetative State PSV or patients who although they may have a serious medical condition are a total pain in the ass. Believed to have started in America, the use of this acronym has become widespread.
That greedy fuckwit Malcolm's eaten something bad! He got taken to hospital in an ambulance, throwing up all over the place, now he's in a coma!
by Croatalin December 12, 2013
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A description that can be applied to a male or female. When applied to a male it usually means that he thinks only about sex and is only happy when he is using his cock and is happy to use it on any female even the most minging munter imaginable. When applied to a female the implication is that she is a nymphomaniac and is only happy when she has a cock (any cock) inside her.
Malcolm would be cock happy, but he hasn't got one.
Janice is cock happy, but even she draws the line at Malcolm.
by Croatalin January 11, 2014
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US Army slang with multiple meanings depending on the inflexion used, two of the commonest are:-

a) Are you giving me the facts?
b) I am telling you the absolute truth!
Get your gear together, there's been an attack on Headquarters and we're goin' out to hunt Charlie!
No shit?
No shit!
by Croatalin November 7, 2013
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British acronym standing for Born Again Biker. A person, usually a male in their forties or fifties, who goes through some sort of life crisis and buys themselves a huge, expensive motorcycle together with loads of expensive gear and takes to the road in an attempt to capture their lost youth. This is invariably unsuccessful and many get over it after twelve to eighteen months, some unlucky ones, however, become traffic accident statistics.
Have you heard, Mike's become a BAB and bought himself a huge, fucking Ducati!
by Croatalin December 12, 2013
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There are a number of different ways in which this word can be used, besides being an informal name for female genitalia*, it can be used in at least two other ways:

1) A derogatory name for a person you intensely dislike;
2) As an acronym standing variously for Computer User Non-Technical, Cannot Understand New Technology, Cannot Utilise Normal Thinking.
No doubt there are others as well, but those mentioned here all share a common theme in that the person described is a bit of a twat.

*For some reason this is now perceived to be offensive, but during the Middle Ages in Britain it was a word in common use indeed, it still remains in some street names e.g. Gropecunt Lane.
"Malcolm's ballsed up his computer again and doesn't know why."
"He really is a cunt!"
by Croatalin December 4, 2013
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US Army slang meaning attacked. Initially referring to artillery attacks at night when illuminating rounds were fired to expose the target before destroying it with HE (High Explosive), Fragmentation or WP (White Phosphorous). Eventually the phrase was used to describe any intense attack on enemy positions or personnel whether it was with artillery, air strike or small arms.
We caught one of Charlie's supply columns out in the open and called in an artillery strike!
What happened?
Man you should have seen it, they got lit up real good!
Number One!
by Croatalin November 22, 2013
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