5 definitions by CopperWhopper67

"A global architecture of links to and from vast pools of information" that is built on top of the Internet, but is NOT the Internet. The Internet is the means by which we access the World Wide Web.
"I am going to look at cat videos on the World Wide Web."
"YouTube is located on the World Wide Web, under the Uniform Resource Location (URL), www.youtube.com
by CopperWhopper67 January 24, 2015
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A very refined form of evil masquerading as a Web Company.
Google processes over 666 search results every day.
by CopperWhopper67 April 14, 2015
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To detach yourself from "Google's grip" on your Web life.

To stop using services by Google and removing information associated with them.
A good thing to do.
Person 1: "Why are you not using Google Drive, or G-Mail or anything like that?"

Person 2: "It is part of my De-Googlification process. I promised my wife I would quit."
by CopperWhopper67 January 24, 2015
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The excessive use of Google's services to the point of addiction-like behavior and/or the firm clinging the rhetoric, "If it isn't Google, it isn't anything."
(This phrase is used by people who scoff at the sight of someone using another Search Engine, or when they see that their friend has a Yahoo or Outlook E-Mail address)

Can usually be solved with De-Googlification
Eric: You fucker! You're using Bing! "If it isn't Google, it isn't anything."

Angie: Well, I can see that the Googlism has completely taken over.
by CopperWhopper67 January 24, 2015
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A person who conforms to Googlism
Eric: I don't why you're using Bing. Microsoft doesn't stand a chance with Google. "If it isn't Google, it isn't anything"

Angie: I can see that you are a hardcore Googlist.
by CopperWhopper67 January 24, 2015
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