12 definitions by Colton

hairy head, one who's cock head is abnormally hairy and females are not attracted to!
wow, joe is a hairy head, i will no longer suck his penis!
by Colton April 2, 2004
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A 16 year old echidna his sworn duty is to protect the master emerald. hotheaded and really gullible also sonics rival.
I think rouge is in love with him but knuckles despises her.
by Colton May 8, 2004
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From North County San diego.
It means someone who is chill and just lopes it hard. A loper can also be a party with strickly the bros and the danks..
yeah man that guy is chill, hes definatley a loper.

Yeah dude cruise over were just haveing a loper at my house.
by Colton April 4, 2005
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Word used to describe Fcuk.

Meaning retarded.
Fcuk is so god damn retrad.
by Colton September 7, 2004
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Short for not pulling
Dude Lackey is nopling hes smoking a cig backwards and trying to eat the fuckin speghetios in the mirror...
by Colton April 5, 2005
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