2 definitions by Coldguess

The act by which ruinous behavior causes one to realise the extent to which their lives are muunted.
"Your life is over, what a mockery"
"Throwing a steak at someone whilst they ride their lucky bike."
by Coldguess April 12, 2006
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An extreme instance in which an individual or situation has sufficient cause to be classed as being ruined, in terms of the person in question's life, or the situation involving their lives is shown to be a mockery.

"The experiment was muunted following its sabotage."
"Napoleon was muunted by uncle Rico's projectile steak."
"Pedro's lucky bike was muunted following a sweet jump attempt."
"Homer was muunted by one of Bart's April fools exploding beer pranks."
by Coldguess April 12, 2006
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