11 definitions by CoffeeDrinker

causing delight as a result of a relation to Taylor Lautner.
Friend 1: What did you think of the New Moon movie?
Friend 2: Well, it was a shitty movie overall, but it was still very delautful.
by CoffeeDrinker August 29, 2010
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The belief that Wonho is the purest expression of capitalism and capitalism is the purest expression of Wonho.
Person 1: I didn't know you were capitalist. How did you get into that?
Person 2: I've been a fan of Wonho for years since Monsta X debuted and I realized that Wonho's engineered beauty and commercialized love for Wenee is the purest expression of capitalism -- where businesses love their customers by seeking to satisfy their wants. Then it occurred to me that capitalism is all about loving each other through cooperatively using the price mechanism to expand and allocate production, so the opposite is also true -- capitalism is a generalized expression of Wonho's love for Wenee. I call it Wonhoism.
by CoffeeDrinker January 31, 2022
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describes the difficulty sleeping caused by reading Twilight books or watching Twilight movies, usually a result of an inability to stop thinking about Twilight.
*Facebook IM Conversation*

-What are you doing up so late?

-I can't sleep. I just saw Eclipse for the second time today. I'm too excited.

-Oh, so you have twisomnia.
by CoffeeDrinker July 1, 2010
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an effect of wing-manning when you receive the excess pussy after a friend of yours takes the initial pussy bomb, especially when the wingman is exceptionally hot.
"Dude, you gotta come with me to the bar, all the girls will be all over you and then i can pick up the pussy shrapnel."
by CoffeeDrinker April 10, 2010
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the "nuclear option" of facebook poke wars. consists of posting a series of broken-up, quasi-threatening messages on the profile of the person you are in a facebook poke war with. the goal is to give them so many notifications that they will give up in the war.
*Posted on a facebook profile*
--i am taking the nuclear option--
--for this facebook pokewar--
--which i have, incidentally, just declared.--
-- however i have also--
--decided to take this one all the way--
--up the escalation ladder--
--right at the outset--
--because im cool like that--
-- and i have actually stockpiled a lot of nuclear weapons--
-- so now the choice is yours:--
--you can continue fighting this conflict--
--in vain--
--but just know--
--that this was merely--
--a small, initial first strike--
--a single "nuclear poke"--
--if you will...--
-- to demonstrate my escalation dominance.--
--you have been warned.--
by CoffeeDrinker July 31, 2010
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A circuit queen's primary companion in a circuit party or festival.
CQ1: What are you doing after the party?
CQ2: My circuit boyfriend and I were invited to a sex party at the W. What about you?
CQ1: Your circuit boyfriend? Where is he?
CQ2: He's around here somewhere -- probably making out with someone. He'll find me.

CQ1: Hey! Good to see you again. This is my circuit boyfriend, Qingsheng.
CQ2: Oh, your circuit boyfriend? What happened to Xiaosheng?
CQ1: He couldn't make it to White Party because of work. He knows I'm here with Qingsheng and we're having a blast.
by CoffeeDrinker June 2, 2023
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A Freudian slip that occurs when discussing supply-side economics (i.e. the Laffer curve); attributable to having Taylor Lautner on the brain.
So I was talking to my economics professor about the elasticity of the Lautner curve...Wait, did I just say "Lautner curve?" I meant Laffer curve...I must have Taylor Lautner on the brain
by CoffeeDrinker May 18, 2010
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