14 definitions by Citezen:Erased

The most ridiculously hipocritical and fascist website ever. Youthink.com primes itself on allowing its users freedom of speech and expression, unfortunatly all of its memebers are tools and anyone who says anything even slightly rebbellious or out of the ordinary is instantly flamed.
Some paticulary sad users include, 'Raddicks', the appropriatly named 'Bastard' and by far the most spanner like of the tools 'Ad astra'.
Ad astra:Dude I like totally love that new song by Blink 182! It's totally Punk roXXor.

Raddicks:Yeh man, they're the new gen of punk dude! They pwne big time!

Sane user:Actually, Blink 182 are about as punk as my pet fish, listen to some real punk guys.

Ad astra:Dude your a F4g fuck off.

Raddicks:Yeh D00d, or ill h4xx yer ass with my totally 133t uber p0w3rs!
by Citezen:Erased March 30, 2005
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A really big and very cool country in the east. Managed to crush the Nazi occupation force after a decisive tank battle in the fields of Kursk.
Currently fighting those damn rebels, as of yet they are the only country to do anything effective to fight global terrorism. They pwned the bastards.
Russia has given birth to all sorts of cool stuff, Vodka, the t-32 battle tank, the ak47 and kossack hats.
by Citezen:Erased April 11, 2005
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Green day used to be a popular 'punk' band from california, and the idols of thousands of frustrated teens and adolescants, now they just suck donkey balls.

The release of their new abum 'American idiot', somewhat put the final nail in the proverbial coffin of Green Days ability to create new and exciting music. May they rest in peace.

Oh and Billie Joe Armstrong cant play the guitar.
Customer:Excuse me sir, i'm looking for something to introduce my 7 year old son to rock music with, could you recomend something?

Employee:I suggest you check out Green Days' new album, its childish enough to interest your son.

Customer:Ill take that then.

Emplyee:May god have mercy on his soul.
by Citezen:Erased March 30, 2005
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A truly brilliant song from dying rock legends guns n' roses.
When I look into your eyes, I can see your love restrained.

But darlin' when I hold you, dont you know I feel the same.

Nothing lasts forever, and we both know hearts can change.

So i'll just end up walking, in the cold november rain...
by Citezen:Erased April 8, 2005
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1.Another name for that oh-so annoying day of the year Halloween.

2.An EP released by the band AFI.
1.'Mum theres some trick or treaters at the door!'
'Fetch my gun.'

2.Dude that track 'the boy who destroyed the world' tottaly rocks, Booya!
by Citezen:Erased April 9, 2005
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As described previously 'The antichrist, the reason music is dead'. They used to show Ok music up until recently when they've become more concerned with episodes of 'Pimp my ride' and re-runs of 'Newlyweds'. If you watch MTV you are no better than that 3 month old ribena stain on my carpet.
Fag: HeYY DooUde!, Did YoU see th4T t0Tally roXXor E9120De of PiMp My Ried?

Me: No, Fuck off.
by Citezen:Erased March 23, 2005
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Goth is a kind of cultural movement, or anti-cultural even. They do not drink blood or sacrafice small children, nor do they eat bats and wear pvc and pale make up all the time.
Goths separate themselves from popular trends and fads only to find that goth itself is becoming a trend fast, goths aren't what they used to be.
Goths are cool, but theyr'e falling into the trap of cultural imitation.
by Citezen:Erased April 8, 2005
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