6 definitions by Chinkyboy321

The act of smearing excreted waste inside of your eye, hoping to change the colour of it.
Jee whiz man! That man just tried a Sicheng in hopes of changing his eye colour! What a fucking retard!
by Chinkyboy321 February 15, 2023
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The act of cutting open your ballsacks and placing the testicles in a bag and smashing it into someone else's lower groin area.
Jinkies I fucking hate Sicheng! I'm going to perform a dirty play on him!
by Chinkyboy321 February 15, 2023
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The act of using telekineses to place marijuana and crystal meth inside a tube and blasting it into someones ass. Also known as an anal andon.
I think I'm constipated, but I want to feel good so why not perform a Dirty Andon?!
by Chinkyboy321 February 15, 2023
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The act of pissing in your girl (or guy)'s ass and fisting out a lump of faeces, then mixing with the urine, while shoving it violently back into the ass, causing a rupture and mix of red, yellow and brown, resulting in a creamy brown mud, then smothering it all over your body then conveying a message to your girl (or guy) saying "Get out of my Swamp!"
Owen: Jesus christ what happened to you Ethan?
Ethan: Well me and my girl got down and dirty and I performed the act of a Dubious Shrek.
by Chinkyboy321 February 16, 2023
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National fuck your pet day! if you do not have a pet fuck someone elses!
Oh boy tomorrow it's going to be the 17th Feb! I can't wait to fuck my pet anally and orally!
by Chinkyboy321 February 15, 2023
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(Noun), (Verb), (Adjective)

Noun; The act of performing atrocious acts then calling the victim a 'Vaggot'

Verb, I'm sure going to give this guy a good ol fashioned vaggot!

Adjective, Jee whiz bro look how vaggot his phone is EW!
You: Hey Owen how are you today?

Owen: Don't fucking chat to me you Vaggot!
by Chinkyboy321 February 16, 2023
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