58 definitions by Charles_U_Farley

Fiscal responsibility is a term republicans pull out for campaign ads every election cycle. The G.O.P. claims to be fiscally responsible while claiming their Democratic opponents are not.

Obviously, the Republican Party has no idea what being "fiscally responsible" actually means! A budget should include adequete revenue (i.e. taxes) to cover all the obligations. Republicans think the only way to balance a budget is to cut taxes. Democrats, like Bill Clinton, know that cutting expenses AND increasing revenue is the only way to balance a budget. Democrats' tax and spend idea is a lot more logical than the Republicans' borrow and spend policy!
Remember that about 75% of our national debt was caused by the last 3 Republican presidents! (Reagan, Bush41 and Bush43) The last two times the national budget was balanced a Democrat was president!! (Lyndon Johnson 1969 and Bill Clinton 2000)
The tea party claims to be concerned about fiscal responsibility, however they didn't seem concerned about it when George W Bush was cutting taxes and running up huge debts while trying to fight two insane and inappropriate wars!
by Charles_U_Farley October 13, 2010
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Bushnesia is a mental disorder that affects memory.

Many people developed this disorder late in 2008, early 2009 and it continues to spread. Most of the people with this affliction are Republicans and bush supporters. They complain about the huge national debt and the economic disaster that hit during the Bush Administration and they blame Preisdent Obama for the bad effects of Bush's heinous deeds.
The tea party was founded by people who were upset about out of control government and the huge national debt, however due to bushnesia, they're misdirecting their anger at Obama rather than the true source of the problem: George W. Bush and pro-rich Republicans!
by Charles_U_Farley October 1, 2010
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U.S. Congressman Joe Barton (R-Texas) was the lead
Republican at the congressional hearings about the bp oil spill.

As his opening remarks with bp's Tony Hayward, he actually apologized to him for President Obama's "harsh treatment." Barton actually said Obama's insisting on bp setting up a $20 Billion victim compensation fund was a "shakedown."

The appropriate shock and awe followed. Even John Boehner was embarrassed and Barton eventually apologized for his own assisnine insensitive stupidity.
Some of Rep. Barton's Republican colleages were surprised to hear he was a bp sympathizer, but many of his corporate owned colleages agreed with him. However if you look at his $1.4 million in campaign contributions from big oil you can begin to understand.
by Charles_U_Farley June 19, 2010
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Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY)

McConnell is the leader of the party of NO! in the senate.

He is a typical southern G.O.P. senator who opposes anything that he perceives as "progressive" and strongly
opposes anything democrats bring up for a vote.

He is popular among Obama Haters for his strong opposition to President Obama's healthcare reform plans.
Mitch McConnell said in an interview he would do whatever

he could to defeat Obama's healthcare reform. He works

with his House counterpart John Boehner to obstruct

Obama's plans to solve America's problems.
by Charles_U_Farley May 24, 2010
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An assinine attempt to slow traffic in parking lots or on roads. These bumps are put in by assholes in an attempt to reduce speeds on main through roads in some residential areas. Speed bumps often result in cussing by the "victims" who want to exercise their rights to travel on smooth public roads. Often these pissed off people will speed up excessively after passing over a speed bump to spite the assholes responsible!
by Charles_U_Farley September 3, 2009
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Many Americans, particularly Republicans, are angry with President Obama they seem to have forgotten that the Bush Administration caused the serious and continuing problems facing this country and the world (see Bushnesiacs.) Bush43 ruined the American economy and kicked off a world-wide recession and destroyed our image in the global community. Now as President Obama tries to repair the damage Bush caused, fuckwits across America are blaming him for the Bush Depression and the hugh national debt. WAKE UP YOU MORONS! The sad state of our nation is not Obama's fault he is trying to fix it!
There is nothing in the world more annoying than an Obama Blamer! Blaming Obama for the Bush economy is like blaming a fire fighter for burning your house down!
by Charles_U_Farley July 14, 2010
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Elected Governor of Wisconsin in 2010 as part of the Corporate Jihad. In early 2011, he showed the world that he and the Tea Party are very anti-union and are out to destroy unions and all they have achieved. The money grubbing scum obviously holds power over Scott Walker. He claims to be trying to balance the state budget (after his pro-rich/pro-business tax cuts) by cutting state labor costs. The unions and their supporters filled the capitol with demonstrators, which the heartless bastard ignored.
Scott Walker is an evil union-busting bastard like Adolf Hitler and Ronald Reagan.
by Charles_U_Farley February 25, 2011
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