58 definitions by Charles_U_Farley

An Australian-born computer hacker and founder of wikileaks.

Assange considers espionage and cyber terrorism a good thing. He seems to think all government and corporate secrets should be exposed with no regard for who may be harmed or how many lives could be lost.
Wikileaks is damaging fragile international relationships that were on the mend after George W Bush left office. ASSange is arrogant, paranoid and dangerous to government and corporations worldwide!

"Don't shoot the messenger for revealing uncomfortable truths." --Julian ASSange 2010
Julian Assange has revealed U.S. Military and diplomatic secrets that could compromise the missions in Afganistan and Iraq and this could put our soldiers in danger!
by Charles_U_Farley December 13, 2010
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The Lost Decade refers to the 10 years following George W. Bush becoming president. The bad effects of the Bush Administration will be felt for a very long time. This includes the long term problems caused by the poor management of our environment, deregulation of industry and finance, the disastrous foreign policy, tax cuts for the rich, Patriot Act, erosion of our constitution, the massive deficits and the worst economy in 80 years!!!
Many school kids in 2010 will not know what prosperity was like or how America was strong and respected in the world before Bush 43 ruined our country. They are caught in the LOST DECADE, hopefully their kids can see America return to glory!
by Charles_U_Farley August 21, 2010
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An awesome horror fiction writer! Bentley Little was born in Arizona after his mother watched the premiere of Psycho. He is a Bram Stoker Award winner, who can count Stepen King and Dean Koontz as fans.

"A master of the macabre"--Stephen King

"Rock-'em, shock-'em contempory terror fiction" --Dean Koontz
Bentley Little takes on ordinary subjects and exploites and exaggerates their possiblities for nefarious activities. In The Store he looks behind the scenes of a Wal-mart-like mega store and the terrible effects it has on a small town. In The Policy, he looks a the very real scenario of insurance companies controlling and ruining lives. Most of Bentley Little's books are scary because they seem like they actually could happen.
by Charles_U_Farley July 17, 2009
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This "league of American voters" is a pro-business political organization trying to appear as a "non-partisan" government watchdog. They claim to be in favor of "the people" and opposed to congressional malfescence. They support people that work towards their agenda. Their web site sounds all rosey but it's rather vague.

The true character is obviously similar to the tea party, their first big campaign is to preserve Bush's tax cuts for the rich!
Fred Thompson is using his name to fight to "save the Bush tax cuts." How can anyone take ol' Fred or the League of American Voters seriously when they want to continue one of Bush43's most fuckwitted ideas?!
by Charles_U_Farley August 4, 2010
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A highly inappropriate term for the extension of the Bush Tax Cuts!
In December 2010 the tax cuts were set to expire. President Obama and the Congressional Democrats wanted to let the tax cuts for the richest 2% expire and extend the tax cuts for the other 98%. Also at this time, the federal unemployment payments were set to end. Congressional Republicans didnot want to extend the unemployment benefits because it was "too costly," so they held the long-term unemployed hostage until Democrats extended the tax cuts for the richest 2%!!!
Obviously, the Democrats went along for the sake of the unemployed and to keep the tax cuts for those that actualy needed them. Republicans showed their true colors (caring only for the rich) while the Democrats were again the ones showing fiscal resposibility!
Some fucking idiot actually called the extension of the Bush Tax Cuts the Obama Tax Cuts!!! WTF?
Obama was opposed to extending the tax cuts for the rich!
by Charles_U_Farley January 13, 2011
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Fiscal responsibility is a term republicans pull out for campaign ads every election cycle. The G.O.P. claims to be fiscally responsible while claiming their Democratic opponents are not.

Obviously, the Republican Party has no idea what being "fiscally responsible" actually means! A budget should include adequete revenue (i.e. taxes) to cover all the obligations. Republicans think the only way to balance a budget is to cut taxes. Democrats, like Bill Clinton, know that cutting expenses AND increasing revenue is the only way to balance a budget. Democrats' tax and spend idea is a lot more logical than the Republicans' borrow and spend policy!
Remember that about 75% of our national debt was caused by the last 3 Republican presidents! (Reagan, Bush41 and Bush43) The last two times the national budget was balanced a Democrat was president!! (Lyndon Johnson 1969 and Bill Clinton 2000)
The tea party claims to be concerned about fiscal responsibility, however they didn't seem concerned about it when George W Bush was cutting taxes and running up huge debts while trying to fight two insane and inappropriate wars!
by Charles_U_Farley October 13, 2010
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A term for a common, although, not common enough, fear of Sarah Palin. Unlike standard paranoia, which is an irrational fear, palinoia is a very rational and justified fear!
Anyone who pays attention to politics should realize that there are many reasons to fear the rise of the Palin patriots. As seen during the 2008 presidential campaign, Sarah Palin is frighteningly ignorant of global issues and totally clueless about how government works. She has a cult of clueless fuckwits followers that call themselves the tea party.

These scary people want to undo all of the progress made in the last 50 years!
Those who acknowledge their own palinoia, worry that anti-goverment radicals like the tea party will completely destroy America. A clueless fuckwit should never be allowed to gain so much power, remember George W Bush?
by Charles_U_Farley November 19, 2010
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