41 definitions by Char H

1. A guitar sound so rockin' that will literally bring about the end of the world
2. Yngwie Malmsteen's secret plot to bring about the rapture.
"Doth thou seeth thy Swedish Wanker God's noodling hath brought about Guitarmageddon?"
Book of Vai 11:23
by Char H January 8, 2006
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"Check it out, man! She's breaking out the sea slug!"
by Char H January 11, 2006
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A superfluous flap or nodule of skin on a girl's anus. Comes from an incident where I misheard a friend refering to such a skin flap while reviewing a porno movie. I have no idea what she really said...I was laughing too hard to find out. Now in fairly common usage.
"This porno would be really hot, but her Elvis pringle kinda creeps me out."
by Char H January 8, 2006
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An exclamation of startled or pained suprise.
The proper pronunciation has most of the emphasis on the first sylable with a slight pause before saying the remainder of the word (EI-chano!)
Alternate spelling: ichano
Guy 1: "I just ran over your dog."
Guy 2: "EICHANO!"
by Char H January 8, 2006
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Describes an item or situation that is annoyingly fucked up, but not fucked up so badly that it cannot be repaired or remedied. Commonly used in conjunction with the word "bigtime".
guy one: "How's it going with your new girlfriend"
guy two: "Man, that situation is clomas, bigtime!"
by Char H January 8, 2006
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A term coined by obscure pornographer Randy De Troit (a stage name) for a cum facial.
"She loves it when I'm poppin' wheelies on the chin!"
by Char H January 8, 2006
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A person who thouroughly gets off on sucking a penis, finger, toy or other object that was just previously inserted into that person's anus. See ATM.
That chick I picked up last night was a real ATM machine
by Char H January 12, 2006
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