11 definitions by Camwood

Something that cannot be urinated.

Specifically, it's a nonsense word from the famous iCarly YouTube Poop "Freddy Runs Sam's Life", for a sentence-mixed version of a joke by Spencer. It makes as much sense in context, but the line became quite famous for its absurdity.
"Anyone can suck penis, but nobody can pee sucknis."
by Camwood December 15, 2020
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My first real pumpkin! And to celebrate I invited all pumpkin users in the area; throw a little pumpkin party... I hope that's not slang...
by Camwood December 16, 2020
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According to Chuggaaconroy in the TheRunawayGuys LP of Pikmin (episode 13), possible slang for pooping on someone's chest.

More practically, an example of very specific slang terms that have little actual purpose as they are incredibly niche or raunchy, yet sound like perfectly rational phrases (like deflower either meaning losing a flower... or sex.)
I just went on a date with my fiance, and let's just say the corn smells nice.

You could say some perfectly reasonable phrase like, I dunno, "the corn smells nice", and someone would tell you "OH MY GOD, DO YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS?!"
by Camwood April 11, 2019
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The thing you say as a hail-mary when a callout post was released on the last day of a month, as if anybody would actually be as pathetic as to try to pay their rent with a google doc about low-tier internet drama.
Oh, fuck! They caught me committing a felony! What do I do?! ...Wait, it's September 30th! I got it! "Rent's due LMFAO". That'll get 'em!
by Camwood October 1, 2023
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A very high-ranking type of comedy, and the pinnacle of all jokes.
Comedian: "penis lol"
*crowd goes wild*
by Camwood July 21, 2016
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Really? You're going to look up the word "fuck" on Urban Dictionary? What age are you, 2? Go back to preschool, and stay there. Seriously.
by Camwood November 12, 2015
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Clever. Reaaally clever.

You think you're SO witty, looking up fuck on Urban Dictionary? What are you, 2? Get off this website.
Looking up fuck on Urban Dictionary? Don't you have anything better to do?
by Camwood December 13, 2015
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