17 definitions by C-can

Company that gave us such wonderful things as Gamespy Arcade, FilePlanet, and the most arrogant staff of reviewers in the world, not to mention a website that is filled with annoying adds that are embedded into the fucking browser window.
Goddamned I hate Gamespy.
by C-can January 29, 2004
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The fucking largest unorganized group of professional assholes since the Red Guards, Spammers are a blight upon the Internet and must be killed on sight. They are easy to distinguish from normal, respectable people in that they often look like a white 20-something year-old high school dropout, and are almost constantly surrounded in a visibly thick cloud of pot smoke. They enjoy filling Internet users' inboxes with messages demanding that they enlarge their penis as soon as humanly possible, offering them $25million dollars if they reveal their bank account or credit card number, etc. No one has any fucking idea how they make ANY kind of profit from these rediculous business practices. The only thing that I can think of is that these morons occasionally mail some Internet newbie or AOL user who actually responds to these messages in hopes of getting the advertised product, but instead recieves a bottle of painted skittles or a letter informing them that their bank account has been completely empty.
Spammers embody almost everything that is wrong with the Internet and deserve nothing short of being beaten to death with a Mideval flail weapon.
by C-can November 2, 2003
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Yeah, you don't mean to anger us, yet you enclose viruses in every one of your e-mails that will permanently screw up the computer of anyone stupid enough to open them. Then you hack your way in with ease after the computer's security systems have been assulted with garbage data, steal anything on their hard drive that sounds like it's related to money, and then get back to ass-fucking your pet goat in your parents' basement. If I ever see you on the street, I'll kill you, bitch.
Watch your ass, spammer. I just got parolled and I feel like chasing someone that really pisses me off down the street with a fireaxe right about now.
by C-can February 12, 2004
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Someone in favor of a war for whatever reason. There aren't that many of them around because the A.N.S.W.E.R Police are ordered to censor them whenever they come to crash an anitwar protest. They represent the silent majority, or those who occasionally express their views through radio personalities like Rush Limbaugh, but rarely resort to the fanatical antics and idiotic screaming of the Majority Apparent.
Prowar Protesters march right through a crowd of over a thousand or so leftists complaining about George W. Bush suppressing free speech, but attempt to silence the prowar advocates when they attempt to voice their opinions. Go figure.
by C-can January 23, 2004
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One thing that struck me as odd is the use of the term "anarchist-communist." Many people associate the two words with one another apparently because both represent radical movements, when, in reality, both are completely opposite. Think about it. A communist is someone who thinks that the government should have total control over every aspect of the nation and its economy. An anarchist is pretty much the exact opposite, since they think that there should be NO government, so how the fuck can you associate the two when they're both completely contradictory to one another? Actually, in a way, I can see both movements being similar to each other, in terms of that they're both fucking equally insane.
When a musician tells his fans to steal his album in order to "undermine the system," you just know that his music has to suck.
by C-can January 31, 2004
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Someone who has devoted their entire consciousness and personality to a random form of capitalistic media. Commonly found amongst gamers, music listeners, celebrity worshipers, anime freaks, etc. Will not hesitate to bash the living shit out of anyone who doesn't like what they like with such callous and witty insults as "fag" "fAg" and "FAG."
Fanboys don't realize that Sega, Sony, Nintendo, etc. all make good and bad products alike.
by C-can October 21, 2003
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