14 definitions by Blargh

1. Someone who expresses a complete lack of common sense or intellegence. After an act of dipnut has been done others who see it are nearly required to point at the person who commited the act and say, loud enough for all those around to hear, "DIPNUT!" thus making the person feel bad about themselves.
1. That person just dipnutted all over the place, get a clean-up crew in here!
by Blargh October 21, 2003
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1) A region north of New York City's suburbs. Essentially an extension of the Midwestern rustbelt, not that there's anything wrong with that other than the fact they're not exactly New York State's greatest economic asset. Its people have what is undoubtedly the world's worst inferiority complex; they hate being overshadowed by the City almost to the point of irrational hatred, when they might not have necessarily been there. Lovely places to observe nature like the Adirondacks and the Finger Lakes, but there aren't that many prominent resorts to enjoy it from. Most of the largish cities like Buffalo and Rochester are big manufacturing centers, but they're in relatively bad shape and need to be cleaned up (garbagewise and crimewise), revitalized, and repopulated.

2) The city and suburbs of Chicago, Illinois (aka Chicagoland). In this case, upstate is the heavily-urbanized part of the state, while downstate is more rural and dotted with smaller cities and towns.

3) Otherwise, the northern part of any socially or demographically divided state (Northern California, Seattle-area Washington, northern Texas, Florida panhandle, etc.)
1) downstate > upstate

2) upstate > downstate

3) no real opinion
by Blargh May 12, 2004
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Double-Headed axe used by a juggslo to chop necks, backs, etc.
Weo got a double-headed axe we dubbed the wigsplitta
by Blargh July 10, 2003
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A seventeenth century rather obtuse African slave which performs sexual acts with sandwiches.
by Blargh January 9, 2004
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1. What happens when you eat at McDonald's too often.

2. Guy in a black cloak wielding a big scythe. See grim reaper.
Death came, and it was drunk.
by Blargh July 11, 2004
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Main character of the anime Trigun. Sent by the Bernardelli Insurance Society to investigate Vash the Stampede. Partner of Meryl Stryfe. Air-headed, but funny. :)
"Milly is a bit light-headed, don't you think?"
by Blargh April 23, 2003
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