1 definition by Bigfootbuffalo406

That motherfucker that always has the confused look on his face that just probably fucked his sister-cousin. Definitely has a girthy cock that looks more less like a can of tuna. Probably drives some jacked up truck with a dildo for a shifter. Nicest and most niave guy you have ever met. Probably would shake ur dick dry in a tent. Paully isn’t wise with women, probably picks heifers or some form of a rhino. Usually tall and athletic though. His ass pops out like Kim K’s. If you know a paully consider yourself lucky because not many do. He will bend any thing that talks over his 44 inch tires. Says suss shit, has a group of retard friends. Although he is truly one in a million and you gotta love him and his tuna can for cock.
Did u just see that bitch get bent over by paully!!? Omg it’s his damn sister again.
by Bigfootbuffalo406 March 1, 2023
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