47 definitions by Bean

an oxymoron that defines the speaker of this word to be not smart
"I'm smarts."
by Bean February 10, 2003
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When sweet isn't good enough, expression of EXTREME content
You just Aced your final!

by Bean December 2, 2004
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In relation for video games, someone who uses unfair or repetative methods to win a game.
"Man, you're so cheesy!"
by Bean April 1, 2003
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Jerry: Dude, Ben committed marriage yesterday.

Joe: Holy shit dude. Well, so much for hanging out with ben.
by Bean March 7, 2005
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Giggiling my butt off!
lol!! rofl!! gmbo!!
by Bean November 10, 2003
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A one-dimensional person.
Someone who has no depth to them whatsoever.
Paris Hilton has a cardboard personality.
by Bean March 15, 2005
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