47 definitions by Bean

adjective: Being generic or steryotypical. Often associated with being a poser.
Blink 182, Sum 41, and Greenday are all examples of drugstore punk.
Avril lavigne is such a drugstore punk.
by Bean January 27, 2004
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what people with real jobs do about 60% of the day;what people with jobs but without a high school diploma do;what someone does when they can't define their occupation.
Usually accompanied with a movement by the first 2 fingers of each hand to show quotation marks

Bob, what are you doing?
Don't bother me, I'm "werking"
by Bean February 10, 2003
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A mixed drink consisting of peppermint scnapps and ginger-ale.
I'd like 2 icicles please.
by Bean January 27, 2004
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The male penis in full strength flow, especially annoying when in the company of friends or at the swimming pool. It can be delt with by the below example.
This damn erection just won't go down, im going to take it into the bathroom and give it such a beating it'll think twice about coming out again
by Bean March 5, 2003
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smelly, squirmy, jumpy, fidgety, lovable, baby Aaron
The monkey made silly noises until the keeper gave him his candy.
by Bean June 29, 2004
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a particularly gay genre of rock and roll where either the song matter or the members of the band are effeminate
marcy playound
by Bean February 10, 2003
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A short-hand term for Resident Evil. Adjective: Having qualities which are reminiscent of the video game Resident Evil
by Bean January 27, 2004
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