1 definition by Bavauto


A half-ass car owned by almost 1 in every 3 people in America. The most overrated piece of shit Chevrolet makes. Has a V-8 so its owners think its sweet. Handling is shit, reliability over 50,000 miles is non-existant.

Your car can go fast in straight lines. Cool.

I actually like to drive, not go to the grocery store and see how many hondas I can burn that aren't even trying to race.

get a life, get a real car.
Unsuspecting Corvette Owner- "wow look at that pussy in that BMW"

BMW owner- "Hold on one second"
*smokes corvette with twin turboed Inline Six (stock)*

Corvette owner- "FUCK I'm so gay. Corvettes are so predictable. I wish I wouldn't have bought a car that you see every 5 minutes and can only go fast in straight lines. FUCK"
by Bavauto October 1, 2009
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