2 definitions by Autolyticsociety

Of or relating to the heaviest of death metal. Many people abuse the term and use it for reference to emo/scene grindcore bands. Most often, bands with technicality aren't really brutal due to an emphasis on talent and complicated riffs/structuring rather then heavyness, eg. Necrophagist.
Devourment, Inveracity, Sanatorium, Cephalotripsy, Wormed, Brodequin, Liturgy, Carnal, Digested Flesh, Viscera Trail, Internal Suffering, Artery Eruption, Disgorge(U.S variant more so, the mexican version leaning toward "sick" goregrind)

-There truly is no such thing a "brutal" grindcore, however the closest thing to grindcore brutality would most likely be Last Days of Humanity due to the agressive super heavy goregrind approach. The main limiting factor of grindcore preventing its brutality would be the length of the song coupled with guitar riffs with more of an emphasis on a style of agressive thrash metal than "slamming" death metal.
by Autolyticsociety July 5, 2006
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An exclamation, usually used in a humorous fashion. May be substituted for "fuckies, crap, dammit, fuck, motherfucker, etc."
Scholar #1 : What's today?

Scholar #2 : Wednesday.

Scholar #1 : Shitcock, i have Spanish today.
by Autolyticsociety October 4, 2006
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