24 definitions by Aspirex

Fairly self-explanatory drinking game. One person says 'I drink,' and takes a drink. They then say 'you drink' to the second player. The second player replies by saying 'I drink,' taking a drink, and returning the favour with a call of 'you drink.' The game continues until you're out of beer.
1: I drink, you drink.
2: I drink, you drink.
Et caetera.
by Aspirex November 17, 2005
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1: I've done sweet fuck all study for this exam.
by Aspirex November 13, 2005
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The following rules apply to pirate road trips:

1. All involved dress like pirates.
2. No pirate may change their clothes or shower for the whole trip.
3. Aargh! is to be said as a part of every sentence.
4. The following word substitutions must be made at all times:
a) Car = Ship or Vessel
b) Driver = Captain
c) Left = Port
d) Right = Starboard
e) Girl/Woman = Wench
f) Steal = Pillage
5. On a rotating basis, one pirate in the ship is the Cabin Boy. The Cabin Boy must do whatever anyone else tells him to do.
6. The main beverage must be rum - wenches may drnk Bacardi Breezers.
7. Whenever there are empty bottles, it is time for Cannon Practice: try to hit roadsigns as you pass them.
8. If a pirate farts, he must call Windows Up. The ship windows must be rolled up, the air conditioner must be changed to recycled air, and nobody may wave the fart smell away from themselves.
(Pirate Rules)
Non-Pirate: Ten slabs of beer.
Pirate: Argh! What be this beer of which you speak? Ten bottles of your cheapest rum, check-out wench. Argh.
by Aspirex November 17, 2005
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To spin around in circles while munting.
Helicopter! Blaarrrghgghhagh.
by Aspirex November 13, 2005
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Specifically, a party which occurs because a group of people have won a lot of slabs of beer, and the express purpose of the party is to drink all of the slabs in one go.
Ten slabs from the trivia night... slab party next week!
by Aspirex November 13, 2005
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Australian "commentator" from the loony left whose articles can be found in the Herald Sun, among other newspapers and forums. Her articles generally consist of an initial contention, and then half a page of waffle which somehow blames the Liberal/National Coalition or the US for the problem. Articles often go well beyond the proverbial 'six degrees of separation' before eventually making a vague link.
Jill Singer: There was a tsunami in the Indian Ocean, causing millions of dollars of damage to Thailand, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, etc, and killing thousands. Blah blah blah blah blah. And that's why the tsunami is specifically the fault of George W. Bush.
by Aspirex November 19, 2005
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