2 definitions by Aprilly

A word used to express a positive or negative emotion. It's very similar to words like 'Shit' , 'Shut up' , 'Get out' or 'Fuck' but is a more kid/work friendly version.
Oh Shucks! I missed my train.

Shucks man! I wish I could go to the concert too.

A: I am getting married.
B: No shucks!
by Aprilly September 25, 2017
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The consequences that one has to face for taking a vacation.

The fatigue that you have after coming from a hectic vacation or the chores that you missed because you went for a vacation but needs to be tended now along with everything else that's currently going on.

Another example would be the work that gets piled up while you are gone at your workplace and now needs to be done along with the current work.
I can't make it to the party tomorrow, I'm still dealing with my vacation debt.

I need a spa day to get rid of this vacation debt.

I'm drowning in my vacation debt, oh, it's horrible.
by Aprilly September 1, 2017
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