2 definitions by Anyonewantaredvine?

The formation of mental images, figures, or likenesses ofthings, or of such images collectively: the dim imagery of a dream.
Today, in class, as my teacher was reading the book,I imagined, the protagonist, Anne, ride her horse, Buttercup.

PLEASE NOTE THAT: here, I didn't use the word, Imagery, but thats' basically what it means.
by Anyonewantaredvine? October 16, 2010
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The bad guy in a story.
A protagonist would be the good guy.
You can remember that, because Pro=good. and An=bad.
Examples for Antagonist and Protagonist
Voldemort is the Antagonsit in the Harry Potter series.
Kronos is the antagonsit in the Percy Jackson series.
Harry Potter is the protagonsit in the Harry Potter series.
Percy Jackson, son of Posiedan is the protagonsit in the Percy Jackson series.
by Anyonewantaredvine? October 16, 2010
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