13 definitions by Anonomous4002

A sex phrase that involves masturbation or sex with a woman.

it means you stroke your dick until all the semen shoots out.
12 year old: I cannot cum, but why?

Sex obsessed person: Well, you gotta shake the tree until they all cum out.
by Anonomous4002 July 5, 2020
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When you start to rock so hard at a concert typically with drums, you start to have heart failure just like Nick Menza from Megadeth.
I rocked so hard at that concert I almost died from a Nick Menza.
by Anonomous4002 August 5, 2020
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The Wheel of Hell is basically a wheel of all the horrible events that occured in 2020 ranging from Trump ordering the U.S. military to launch nukes to kill Qassem Soleimani which started the whole WW III memes just by shooting a Ukranian jetliner in Iraq and to the August Lebannon explosion and the female death count in Mexico due to sexist attacks. Let's see what is gonna happen the next 4 months.

Recalling some but not all the events that occured around the world 2020.

A lot of events occured this year just go to https : // www . onthisday .com /date /2020

You'll be surprised. Don't think it's just America. It's everywhere.
Can you make your wheel of hell that describes 2020 with events from around the world? How many events can you add? Let's find out before January 1, 2021
by Anonomous4002 August 6, 2020
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Eli Moskowitz aka Hawk. A character played by Jacob Bertrand on the YouTube red/Netflix series Cobra Kai.

Moskowitz gets bullied for his cleft lip and meets a boy named Miguel who inspired him to learn karate and then he joins cobra kai. Moskowitz's Sensi bullies him about his cleft lip and tells him to do something about it. He flips the script and becomes who we know him now by the name "Hawk".

Hawk who was formerly Eli gets overconfident and becomes a bully and beats people up if they are against Cobra Kai.
person on announcing the names at tournament: next up is HAWK!.

Demetri: it's Eli. ELI MOSKOWITZ.
by Anonomous4002 September 24, 2020
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This is referring to President Donald Trump as he was standing by the Capitol building during Ruth Bader Ginsburg's funeral.

As people saw Trump standing by the capitol with his stupid "patriotic" mask on, one person decided to chant Vote Him Out!

As they chanted Vote Him Out!, people heard their words. Then a whole crowd starts to loudly chant out "Vote Him Out!"

This caused Trump to get embarrassed so he looks at Melania and was like "we need to get the fuck out of here" in his head. So they left.
Protester 1: Vote him out! Vote him out!
*group of more activists chime in*
Protester 1 and the group of activists: VOTE HIM OUT! VOTE HIM OUT!! VOTE HIM OUT!!!
by Anonomous4002 September 25, 2020
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the popular kids are just kids with an upside down brain who think that covid-19 isn't real. They hang out in groups of 7-15 people and don't wear masks during this time. The older ones like to harass, tease, and bully the shit out of kids that are not how they want them to be. The younger ones manipulate the older non popular/semi popular kids. The younger popular kids are known to be as sly as a fox and it can take a matter of a few months to get lured into their real trap where a group of kids are watching. Kids with adhd are most likely the ones to get lured into their trap.
Cody: So, Wyatt? How was your experience with the popular kids last year?

Wyatt: Shitty. I have dealt with the fuckers for 3 years. They are the reason for my undiagnosed clinnical depression. They are the reason why I think it's my fault that COVID-19 got worse here in America.

Cody: Yeah the same thing happened to me. I got suspended for my anger issues. One of the popular kids named Quinn kept making jokes about an incident that happened a year ago. I had enough so I dropped the motherfucker.

Uh Wyatt, are you listening to what I am sayi--

Wyatt: He's a dead motherfuckin man now.
by Anonomous4002 June 20, 2020
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The greatest way to end up in the hospital.

In this challenge one must stay up 24 hours. Once it hits the 25th hour the contestant must drink a can of beer.

Once the contestant stays up 48 hours they have to drink Two cans of beer on the 49th hour

If you are able to survive past 72 hours and are able to drink 3 cans of beer without ending up in the hospital or die, you win.
Tommy: Hey Albert, do you want to pull a Drunk Allnighter?

Albert: Yeah, let's screw up our bodies.

Tommy: We got this. I'll buy the Miller Lite and you can buy the Heineken.

Albert: Great Idea.
by Anonomous4002 June 29, 2020
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