13 definitions by Amamo-chan

the Juche Idea
the official state ideology of the Korean Workers' Party, which has been dominating the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK); is based on the teachings of Kim Il Sung, Kim Jong Il’s father, and guides the DPRK to act more on its own initiative in foreign affairs, rather than follow policies dictated elsewhere
1) an idea, concept, plan etc that is flawed
Your business plan is really the Juche Idea. It would bankrupt the company and starve all employees and their families to death. Rejected.
by Amamo-chan January 30, 2006
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noun, countable
the Japan Exchange and Teaching programme; a programme that is conducted by local authorities and other organizations in Japan in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Education etc, and that offers university graduates from overseas the opportunity to serve in local government organizations as well as public, private junior and senior high schools

1) a loser who cannot find employment in his own country and earns a living by doing an extremely easy job for a native English speaker in Japan. His lack of aptitude for the Japanese language alienates him from society.
A JET makes a display of his knowledge of Japan.
by Amamo-chan December 30, 2005
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a phrase meaning that when a Korean woman flatters you by smiling at you in order to escape from imminent personal danger you should know she will betray you without hesitation
I won’t fall for her honeyed words, beyond the flattering smile. I’m gonna repatriate the hooker to back the Korean Peninsula.
by Amamo-chan January 30, 2006
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a web log that is owned by a Jew woman who works at a private girls' high school as a JET English teacher in Okayama, Japan, and in which she kept a diary of her insulting comments about schoolgirls and people around her because she felt that she was hated by them. As a result, she has planted not only anti-Semitism but also xenophobia in the minds of quite a few innocent schoolgirls. It now displays only “?” in its title bar, but keep wailing over her persecution complex and narcissism.
Hey, Jew, you must put an apology on your Wailing Blog.
by Amamo-chan December 29, 2005
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noun, countable
a Chinese woman who has an burning desire to marry a Jew of means
One of the first things a Chinjew will complete on the first day in the US is opening a bank account and finding a synagogue.
by Amamo-chan January 18, 2006
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noun, countable
used in Japanese BBSs to refer to a sad message which will be deleted by the poster to conceal his own jibaku; named after a JET from Tennessee, USA
Dai: Jibaku? Are you deleting all of your messages again? Yes or No?!
David: It's strange that the keyboard automatically and repeatedly types characters, "paranoia nutter looney."
Dai: Give your answer to the simple question.
David: The OS displays a Delete button and not Yes and No buttons in any dialogbox. Why does the mouse click on a Delete button automatically?
Dai: ... Tennessee Elegy. Dance a waltz!
by Amamo-chan January 1, 2006
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noun, countable
the spreading of Jewish ethnocentrism to other areas
Miss Rubinstein has taught us the meaning of diaspora.
by Amamo-chan January 11, 2006
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