1 definition by 1Life2Live

Typically referred to as 360 friendly, this term is associated with Methamphetamine (also called meth, crystal, chalk, and ice, among other terms) use. Similar to the term 420 friendly, being 360 friendly means you are ok with and/or participate in the use of crystal meth. Methamphetimine users are typically referred to as tweakers and the act of being high on ice is referred to as tweaking out or being spun. Tweakers are known for getting "stuck"'going in circles whilst not accomplishing much and zooming so fast/hard they seem to run circles around everyone. Thus referencing the word 360 (a complete circle) with methamphetimine use.
Person one: "hey are you 360 friendly?"
Person two: "you know it"
Person one: " cool, we should roll a bowl later and have some fun"
by 1Life2Live March 5, 2016
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