5 definitions by 123_fake_street

What happens to me because I'm a virgin.
Guy 1: Hey man did you just jizz in your pants?

Guy 2: Yeah, it happened when that girl grazed my jacket with hers. I shot a load off.

Guy 1: Damn, that's weak!

Guy 2: Yeah, I know, I'm a virgin.

Jizz in my pants
by 123_fake_street January 13, 2009
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A fun way to tell people to do or not do something, despite the obvious negative associations. Particularly fun to say to friends or relatives.
Shut up or I'll rape you!
Touch my new TV, and I'll rape you!
Get dirt in my car, and I'll rape you!

by 123_fake_street December 27, 2008
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K is one strike.
KK is two strikes.
KKK is three strikes, etc.

When a high strikeout pitcher gets another strikeout, fans add another K to the wall.
by 123_fake_street October 8, 2008
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You. And you know it.
1) When you've been called ugly, pug-ugly, fugly, pug-fugly, and last but not least ugly-ugly!

2) When even u don't want to look at yourself in the mirror, u know u're ugly!
by 123_fake_street April 29, 2008
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A term that should be destroyed immediately. No explanation needed, just hearing makes you want to break something.
by 123_fake_street April 17, 2008
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