58 definitions by 0niTTRay

Although not a bad system in itself,the N64 had several problems,like a lack of good titles(Zelda,Mario,Goldeneye,Perfect Dark,Super Smash Bros.,Banjo,Conker,and a few others were the best),an over abundance of dull Pokemon games,a large controller that seemed to wear out easily,a lack of CDs,and expensive add-ons like the 64DD(Japan only) and Expansion pack plagued it.
I still get out my N64 when my friends are over for a Mario Tennis session. It kicks ass.
by 0niTTRay December 31, 2004
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It was good when I was like 7,but now it sucks fucking ass. They even cancelled Invader Zim,the greatest show ever created.
I hope Jhonen Vasquez totally ruins As Told By Ginger's shit. Fuck that gay-ass preteen soap opera shit.
by 0niTTRay October 3, 2003
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A process used by unscrupulous 7-Eleven customers. Involves finding a cheap item in 7-11 like a pack of gum,corn nuts,sweet tarts,cigarettes and the like. Then by placing it at the bottom of a Slurpee cup when nobody is looking,the Slurpee cup is filled up to the top,obscuring the contents of it with slush. Don't try it with a transparent cup though,and don't try to steal the latest issue of Maxim either.
I got the shit beat out of me by some Arabic 7-11 clerk the other day when I tried to put a Slim Jim in my slurpee cup.
by 0niTTRay January 18, 2004
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Worst song EVER? Perhaps.
If you have the horrible misfortune of hearing it,put on some Weird Al to cleanse your ears.
Duckbear: he was a *wordfap/word fap* sk8er boi,she *fap fap fap* sai-*BLAM*
0niTTRay: Bitch.
by 0niTTRay December 17, 2003
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Quite possibly the greatest game outside of the realm of HotL and Bad Street Brawler!
Join Link,the HEROIC lad who sets out to obtain the 3 pendants,pull the Master Sword from the Lost Woods,retrieve the 7 Crystals of the Dark World and scale Ganon's Tower on this AWESOME quest!
by 0niTTRay October 8, 2003
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One of the worst shows ever. Portrays the following things in a negative inaccurate light:
high School
Pretty much everything
Enjoyed mostly by preteen girls that are very naive and stupid. And emo fags like it too,since the show makes them cry more. This show is on one of the worst networks ever,Nickelodeon who traded in all that was good for shit a few years ago.
emotears: did u watch ATBG last night?
0niTTRay: No,I was too busy having a LIFE. One that doesn't involve dashboard confessional and a box of kleenex.
by 0niTTRay December 31, 2004
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