13 definitions by [e.99]Miracle

A city in Georgia. CLose to Atlanta but is mostly composed of farmland. Where many rappers are from including
Da Backwudz and comedian Chris Rock.
by [e.99]Miracle May 22, 2005
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Canton is a city is Ohio, which people claim hicks live there. (Sorry if your definiton of hick is someone who doesnt say 'dude' every other fuckign word and has a I.Q higher than 100.) Canton has the football hall of fame which is sweet. To bad for the stupid fucks who say it sucks, they cannot afford to get into it. The only downside to it is that stupid contractors built many small homes in the area which may make it look dumb. Even I think those houses should be torn down and those fucks should have to move to someplace worse like anywhere in Vermont. It does have it share of african americans which is good but as you can tell people using the word 'ghetto',the are pretty much racist assholes and shun black people. which is wrong. Canton is a great city.
by [e.99]Miracle September 4, 2004
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Real Gangster shit. If you wear a white tee you have some big go nads
Fuck a throwback i look clean in my white tee
by [e.99]Miracle August 17, 2004
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Simply another music genre. Started sometime in the 1970's by the "Sugar Hill Gang" with the song, "Rappers Delight", which was spawned by Disco. 'Funk' beats were originally behind the vocals. In the 1980's, groups like "N.W.A." and "Ice-T" felt the need to get the message across that African-Americans were not being treated with equal rights, so they turned to music. Heavy beats and "hard-core" lyrics were introduced to the music and this was the birth of "Gangster(a)" rap. Then rappers had idea's to release tension from their hard lives or growing up in poverty which led to rappers like "Tupac" and "Biggie". Now days, it is hard to find a rapper who is actually trying to send a message across, most people are just trying to make money or show their verbal skill.
Rap is bashed a lot by narrow minded people. These people like what they want to like and anything different is not worth their time and should not be to any other people. Usually people who like Rock or "Punk". These people can often be found saying things like "Wanna disco with me?"
"Disco is the sex". And what do you know; Disco spawned Rap.
The Rap lyrcist wrote his trouble's down on paper and put a song to it. Now he is making millions and people relate to his troubles.
by [e.99]Miracle August 10, 2005
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The Pack is a rap group from Berkeley, California. The Pack is 4 guys; Lil Uno, Young L, Young $tunna, and B.
Their nationwide hit song is "Vans" which is about the skate shoes that Mac Dre wore and apparently what 'real niggas wear'. It stresses how you can score ladies and how you can still be a 'G' if you wear slips ons.
If I was hanging out with the pack, I would wear my topsiders to get my grown-man on.

"Got my vans on but they look like sneakas
where coke whites but my vans look cleaner"
by [e.99]Miracle August 23, 2006
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Another word for 'dude' 'man' 'you'. Except it's way better.
Snoop Dogg has been known to use this expression and so has lil flip.
"What it do sou?"

"dude, this sou is really making me mad"

by [e.99]Miracle August 19, 2006
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