by Thereal Betty Lou 1514 February 8, 2020
by MagicJoshXXL July 15, 2021
“Yea” is a very old-fashioned formal way of saying “yes,” used mainly in voting.
When you want to write the common casual version of “yes,” the correct spelling is “yeah”
When you want to write the common casual version of “yes,” the correct spelling is “yeah”
Who agrees to candidate A for president of the club?
Person 1 Answer: yea
Person 2 answer: nay
Person 3 answer: yea
Person 4 answer: yea
Person 5 answer: nay
Person 1 Answer: yea
Person 2 answer: nay
Person 3 answer: yea
Person 4 answer: yea
Person 5 answer: nay
by Rese101 October 27, 2011
by Jaden Browner November 27, 2018
by tavian15 May 3, 2009
Pronounced "yay," contrary to what was once thought to be a spelling error of "yeah" Only Abercrombie Junkies think it is pronounced (yeah).
by Kosher Boy May 31, 2008
by Angelus November 30, 2002