Applies to a variety of unattractive people who may commonly be seen in Walmart, trashy gas stations, dollar stores, cheap bars, and pretty much anywhere else.
Characteristics of Wildlife include but are not limited to: Mullets, lack of teeth, excess hair in locations that hair should not grow from, exceptionally greasy hair, multiple chins, open mouths (due to the heavy breathing required after strenuous exercise, such as walking several yards on flat ground), camoflage clothing, and paraphernalia relating to NASCAR.
Characteristics of Wildlife include but are not limited to: Mullets, lack of teeth, excess hair in locations that hair should not grow from, exceptionally greasy hair, multiple chins, open mouths (due to the heavy breathing required after strenuous exercise, such as walking several yards on flat ground), camoflage clothing, and paraphernalia relating to NASCAR.
After discovering that there was nothing to do in Bumhole Alabama, we drove down to Walmart to watch the local Wildlife at play.
Joe: Man, what do you want to do?
Ed: Let's take this video camera to Walmart and make a nature documentary!
Joe: Capital idea!
Joe: Man, what do you want to do?
Ed: Let's take this video camera to Walmart and make a nature documentary!
Joe: Capital idea!
by Wildlife Watcher 97.4 December 28, 2011
by oshuaJay A. October 31, 2005
A great band from San Francisco that combines indie, electronic, soul, and classical rock. They have an album called Sweet Plastic.
by Commander Pancakes September 24, 2006
1, girls naughty by nature. 2, girls that you dislike because they exhibit animalistic qualities. 3, referring to high school and college girls that a have predominant stuck-up personality.
by Lance Mitchell August 8, 2003
Animals--rats, cats, coyotes, etc--seen from afar on streets and sidewalks or stuck in trees, which, when approached, turn out to actually just be trash blowing in the breeze.
I saw some scary urban wildlife in a bush last night. I was pretty freaked out until I realized it was just a plastic bag.
by eyehustlin May 14, 2014
Television shows that very few normal people watch. It must be said, however, that wildlife documentaries are excellently produced and carefully wrought.
David Attenborough. Does he do anything else?
by Comrade Dmitri February 25, 2004
A person who is weird, annoying and you don't want to make eye contact with in fear of their crazy rant. A person who looks like they have lived in the area their whole life.
by Tonkosaurus July 22, 2020