noun. A different pronunciation of the word weasel, when using it to describe someone.
Alex: "Brozay, did Kev ever give you back the fifty dollars he owes you?"
Mo: "Yeah, but he's still a weazelle in my book."
by stockman09 July 13, 2010
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the worship of our lord and savior weazelbeast. ALL HAIL THE WEAZEL!!!!
I just joined Weazelism. best choice of my life
by halo10167 September 9, 2018
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The process of or looking back on an episode of extreme drunken behavior. Drunken antics leading to short term memory loss, crazy drunken dancing and waking up next to seabiscuit.
"Man you got totally weazeled last night"

"Whoa! What a weazel of a night!"

"err I got so weazeled last night, I can't remember anything... why am I sleeping next to seabiscuit?"

"I'm getting weazeled tonight"

"Man, I got so weazeled last weekend, I woke up next to a giraffe"

"I'm far too weazeled to drive"
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A legendary kid who will beast on anyone at halo 3.
He Betrays For The Sniper So Don't Bother Trying!!
omg its L33t Weazel! Quik! Leave the match
by I Ph33r Weazel May 27, 2009
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De Weazel crew OWNS Guildford County school! we do what we want when we want muthahfuckah! all u bitchass motherfucking pikeys, ur just fronting motherfuckers, u kn all suck my DICK!

Tom Matthews punches like a marshmellowed motherfuckin daisy!
Tom Matthews : I'm cool, u ruind my life :'(

Moi : w.e.

Tom Matthews : *poor excuse 4 a punch* (NOT EVEN A BLACK EYE U PUSSY)
by you fat mother May 3, 2005
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The name of a person who is cool :DDDDDDDD
Person 1: Wow lil weazel is so cool
Person 2: stfu, you know someone who is named lil weazel wrote this about themselves.
by LilWeazel December 18, 2022
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drinking to a extent that you have forgetten things that happened the night before and forgot that you made a complete ass of yourself
"i got so WEAZELED last night, has anyone seen my phone or wallet?"
"i cant remember anything last night, i must have been so WEAZELED"
by wesley99999 April 30, 2008
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