A diva who is always horny and is never satisfied with what she gets. She will even lie to her own and sacrifice her relationship with her family for a guy she supposedly loves. She requires sex twice a day to keep a relationship with her going. She prefers to drink cum only when needed. They usually got big oversized round noses. They wear great lingerie and have well sized breasts.
Person 1: that girl needs sex twice a day

Person 2: she's an uzzma that's why

Person 1: oh that makes so much more sense
by A. A. March 6, 2017
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A girl who is dating a half Filipino and half Hispanic boy is called uzzma yogore. Uzzma yogore's are very pretty and usually love compliments and love hanging out with their friends.
Person 1: she's dating Noel (assume he's half filipino and half hispanic).

Person 2: She's a uzzma yogore
by A. A. March 7, 2017
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