a whore, a promiscuous female who engages in sexual activity with a lot of people who they have no relationship with.
"man, she'll let anybody hit, she a tweaker."
by k_milly May 11, 2009
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Someone with a methamphetamine who is usually a theif.
That fucking tweaker stole my lighter
by Dzay June 2, 2007
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a tweaker is someone who has been doing Crystal Meth for a while and feens for it and is always twitching. Some one who is an addict for Meth.
L. - damn nigga YU're girl is a tweaker aint she?
P. - Ya im going to drop that bitch soon, she fucking up and be doing too much for the dopey
L. - oh, yah how much, give her my number in that case.
by baddxbxtchxdopey August 7, 2010
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a female that is a whore or has multiple sex partners. Originated in Philly; used in Philly and parts of Delaware.
Jon-ayo she a tweaker. da whole crew hit dat!

Jay-yo why did u and yo girl break up? she was fine!
Jon-yeah she was fine but she was a tweaker
Jay-aw man!
by lilmamapullin April 2, 2010
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1. A person who customizes an operating system, a.k.a. MS Windows or Linux.
2. A person who speeds up their computer. See also overclocker.
1. You know Ken, always changing his settings. Such a tweaker, really.
2. Hey, that Dave guy burned out his CPU again, tweaked it too much.
by Toba September 22, 2004
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Someone who constantly worries about a situation and obsesses over the possible outcome of something before it happens. Someone who thinks a lot and dwells on things a lot.
I am worried about how my dress will fit, will he think I am fat?

Do you think I will get in to trouble? I am tweaking on the situation.

What will happen if the judge sends me to jail? I am a tweaker.
by kelsmaster August 10, 2009
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a person who has lost life. they say it can kill you the first time you try it...if it doesn't you will wish it had.
The most prettiest girl in school got caught up in tweak...she isnt so pretty now and she is really mean with big gashes in her face from picking at it and no eye brows cuz she must have got really bored and tweaked by herself...poor girl she will never be the same
by I dont care how they do it February 24, 2005
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