the act of repeatedly crouching over a defeated enemy in a video game
After I kicked his ass, I totally teafrag'd him!
by DruidessKat August 25, 2008
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It's teabagging, but in video games. When playing online or split-screen in a First person shooter game, and you've just fragged someone, you walk over the opponent's digital carcass, and then press the crouch command repeatedly to embarass the victim while he or she respawns.

It is truly embarassing, and should only be done by professionals. This means you need to earn some respect before you teafrag somebody, or else you will face the wrath of the victim.
1: "Dammit! I just got teafragged by some noob!"

2: "That was me, stupid!"

1: "Fuck."
by tigga is gangsta May 20, 2005
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Probably simultaneous emergence of the term teafragging.

Made popular by the Rainbow Six series and pretender to the throne, Counterstrike.

I aced him with the shotgun secondary, then he got corpse humped.
by HammerMaster February 18, 2008
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Killing someone in a videogame, then standing over them, throwing a grenade in their mouth and Teabagging them till the grenade explodes, destroying your balls
I was Teafragging this guy in Halo after I pwnd his ass
by qdawgy80 November 24, 2010
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I'm so angry after that traffic jam, I feel like teafragging Wembley.
by DC in the LT February 12, 2008
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