A sense of longing or yearning for a past experience or time, even while in the present moment. A term used to describe an exceptional and memorable gathering or celebration, characterized by excitement, fun, and high energy.
Example 1: "Everyone had a great time at step•wize, with many saying it was the best party on earth."
by hahaaaaaaaa January 31, 2023
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A phrase used to describe the act of approaching a situation or making decisions with caution and careful consideration.
Example 1: "Before you make any rash decisions, it's best to step wize"

Example 2: "She step wize in her negotiations, making sure to weigh all options before reaching a conclusion."

Example 3: "He step wize in his investments, avoiding any risks that could jeopardize his financial stability."
by hahaaaaaaaa January 31, 2023
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