(nbc with its related cousin nincompoop): a person criticized as a nincompoop not because they are one per se but because they arrogant, megalomaniacal spendthrifts, -therefore behaving like nincompoops in the eyes of the person doing the criticizing.
Louis XIV of France, according to some, was never a nincompoop, but a real socio-nincompoop
by Sexydimma December 3, 2016
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(nbc with its related cousin nincompoop): a person criticized as a nincompoop not because they are one per se but because they arrogant, megalomaniacs, and spendthrifts, -therefore behaving like nincompoops in the eyes of the person doing the criticizing.
Louis XIV of France, according to some, was never a nincompoop, but a real socio-nincompoop
by Sexydimma February 11, 2015
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