To rather be of one than of many
quantity over singletism
by Rc-tech82 May 11, 2016
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A word used by multiples, people who have MPD or DID (Multiple Personality Disorder or Dissasociative Identity Disorder), to refer to those who don't.
My friend Jean is also a multiple, but married to a singlet.
by Krystale July 2, 2007
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A person without Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) or Other Specified Dissociative Disorder (OSDD)
Tom doesn’t have DID, he’s a singlet.”
by licoricemeat September 13, 2021
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A singlet is the act of going to a bar/drinking session with the initial intention of having a single pint, but then quickly realising that you will eventually have four (or more)pints.
"Hey man, you up for a drink?"

"Sure, but just a singlet: I've got a presentation tomorrow..."
by Daddy Van February 18, 2010
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The article of clothing used by college/high school wrestlers that is part spandex and cotton. It stretches around the body from the mid thighs to the neck for the most part. Greco-roman, freestyle, collegite, folkstyle, and some UFC use forms of singlets.
"My singlet is sweet because girls like to see my genetalia when I wrestle"
by dostacysmom69 March 1, 2006
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The (mostly) Australian term for wife beater as it is commonly reffered to in the USA. Basicly a cotton skin tight tank top for men, more commonly used as a form of under wear.
Bloody Hell I spilled the Bundi on me last good singlet!
by Mat July 1, 2004
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Slang term referring to obnoxious Aussie's (usually in countries outside Australia). The term comes from how these Aussie's tend to where white singlets (often with a beer brand on it). These people are often drunk and dangerous.
Oh hell no! I was hoping for a fun relaxing vacation but there are singlets everywhere.
by lachybrochy April 14, 2011
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