A replacement for the word need that makes your sentence shorter
Sean: Yo, Jordan you gotta taste this trash ass smoothie
Jordan: I don shneeds
*saily shows Julie some gum
Saily: you shneeds?
by Saucy_Slave May 22, 2020
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nick rode his bike to west first avenue to get some shneed.
by COBRA OPERATED June 9, 2009
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A versatile, variable of a word that can be used in place of any other word unbeknownst to the speaker.
"That's very shneed of you."
by rickwhohatesyou August 7, 2006
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Can be used in a form of any insult or towards anyone who is sketchy. Originated in Hespeler, Ontario.
"You are a shneed bag for stealing my coke."
by Uvagina Doubfire March 28, 2008
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shlippy shneed shlad
by brapusu July 22, 2021
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