A girl who always eats disgusting, foul-smelling foods such as sausages, cold cuts and onions. Thats EXACTLY the kind of girl you don't wanna kiss.
Oh yuck, you kissed Holly?! She's a god damn sausager!
by P.R. September 12, 2007
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dude or chick who is a super weener. with douchy-like personality and most likely to sport tribal band tattoos.
a sausager is someone who is lame and smells of foul cheap cologne.

for a good example, watch "Jersey Shore".
by Anti-Sausager August 11, 2010
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A girl with a strong love for foods like onions and sausage.
They smell of armpit and man.
"Man, i'm glad the internet doesent have a smell machine, Because holly is a dirty sausager."
by Zombie jamboree January 16, 2008
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When you're drunk off your ass and on the cusp of alcohol poisoning but you're still functioning correctly and having a great ass time.
Dude, my ass was so sausaged last night! I drank 3 four locos, almost fuckin died but I was still lit, danced to gasolina 8 times.
by Meh123 June 11, 2017
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When you eat too many sausages. Side effects may include having a severe chest cough and croaky voice.
"I'm not feeling so well after that hot dog! I hope I don't have sausagitis..."
by read_words_kids March 27, 2021
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1.) Lacking of anything, material or otherwise.
2.) A taunting or jesting phrase, usually said when denying someone of a privalage after allowing them (either intentionally or unintentinally) to get their hopes up.
1.)"Hey Ted, do you have the rent today?"
"No sausage."
2.) "I was playin halo, and I raped this guy. Then he came back, and he thought he was gonna get me, but I was like 'No sausage' and I raped him again."
by Davada Niviob February 22, 2009
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friend: eat?
me: sausage
by Xonde April 19, 2019
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