Roody poo is the result of a censored racial slur on the world's most popular english image board. People now use it in jest instead of the real word.

Due to guidelines, I can't say what it is, but if you find this image board, you will very quickly know what it is, specially on the random board.
OP is a roody-poo candy ass
by An0nySplurg3 November 27, 2011
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to descibe a person as a name brand person..a peon.
"dude think he all that,he ain't nothing but a roody-poo.
by KING OF DA SOUTH June 13, 2003
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Is actually a silly insult made in the 1990's by WWF wrestler "The Rock" currently known as "Dwayne Johnson".

Recently it has come into some mainstream attention due to it's emergence on the image board 4chan, when they replaced offensive terms with other terms in "The Rock's" diction such as "candy ass" among other terms.
Who is this roody poo?

You are a candy ass roody poo.

People who think the term "roody poo" originated from 4chan rather than "The Rock" are true candy ass roody poos.
by na3f90 December 22, 2011
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1. A insult used most notably used by WWE's wrestler Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson usually followed by "candy ass" afterwards.

2. A word that filters from,"Nigger" on 4chan

The phrase originates from The Rock.
The Rock: The Rock says you can take your Roody-Poo candy ass up jabroni dr, and check your self directly into, THE SMACK DOWN HOTEL!
by FloodedFloors August 22, 2012
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I thought i had to take a huge crap but it was only a roody-poo
by August 1, 2010
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Someone full of fail, and someone who can only win by failing to fail.
Devon Pond is a Roody Poo.
by Stranger In the Dark August 21, 2011
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