Rattus is a word to use describe a rat or a mouse.
by drunk father November 2, 2020
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A commonly worshiped rat carcass god of the waldorfians of Armidale NSW Australia 2350
by The Godzilla queen September 11, 2020
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a.) Black rat (latin)

b.) Romatic/endeering term fo female genitalia. May be more widely applied to female persons.
a.) "Did you see that huge Rattus Norvegicus?" "Are you retarded, that rodent was black - Rattus rattus"
b.) "Her Rattus rattus tasted sweet!"
c.) "How was the club?" "I tell yer brother, rattus rattus to the rafters!"
by DesB3rd June 12, 2009
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Norway Rats; came to this country in 1774
"You've got a whole butt load of 'em. Big muthas! Rattus Norvezicus!"
by B. Morales April 9, 2008
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1.)"Rattus cattus"At first glance possibly an interesting idea sharing Individual.Upon closer review is just another example of why,Kinder müssen nichts über das deutsche Vaterland und seine Völker erzählen.Dies machte deutlich, was amerikanische Politiker und jene Juden, die Regierungslügen finanzieren, über eine von jüdischer Gier zerstörte Nation verbreiteten und was die christlichen Massen in Deutschland (ja, sogar in den 1940er Jahren) wussten, dass "Judas" (ein Jude) Jesus die tötete Der Messias wurde getötet und Kikes beschuldigte den katholischen Römer und die Juden, diese Religion aus Gier des jüdischen Hundes an sie verkauft zu haben. Geh weg von ihren bösen Taten und rieche nach Rosen. Gott liebt dich trotz deiner eigenen Unkenntnis der wahren Natur des Kikes. Das jüdische Volk hat nur Jesus getötet ...
"Das juden"Rattus cattus is the name of the type that would kill our Jesus if he was to return to the earth as a man for a 2nd time.
by Til lindemann January 16, 2021
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Rattus domesticus is the not commonly used, possibly incorrect scientific term for a domestic/pet rat. Rattus, literally meaning rat, & domesticus, literally meaning domestic. These words come from Latin.
by BadAssGirl December 23, 2013
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Something that does not exist or is not real, but people believe that it does. (Literally a rat that does not exist).
Bigfoot is a Rattus Nonnus.
by There Is No Rat October 10, 2008
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