Having an inflammatory response to an otherwise negligible issue due to being quarantined too long.
"my wife and I argued over letting the dog outside because we both have quarantinitis"
by doggomama March 31, 2020
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Staying home and fucking away from everyone
Me at work: I was told that I was supposed to get two weeks of quarantine
Boss: Shut the hell up Bob and make me a sandwich!!
by nbaerick March 23, 2020
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The act of putting someone in isolation due to the god damn fucking corona
im in quarantine
by GregPaulLikesUnderageGirls March 18, 2020
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A form of living hell during covid 19 were we have to stay home and live a very shity life style and our mental health is effected. We also can't see our freinds or anyone for a long time. We are also out of school and everything
Me " I was in America yesterday" Government" you must self quarantine for 14 days" Me "😠😠"
by Thesavageofall March 29, 2020
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The name of the artwork that displayed a banana sticked to the wall at art Basel 2019
Quarantine, an artwork interpretation by artist Caro Tejada & Hope the Blue robot
by Caro Tejada April 30, 2020
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You can’t spell quarantine without u r a q t
You can’t spell quarantine without u r a q t
by Spot:) June 13, 2020
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What you thought you had to do for only 2 weeks but actually at this point it's more like 24/7/366.
Yay!!!! I love being quarantined and stuck at home!!!!! This is the best thing ever!!!! :D
by Pialinist June 10, 2020
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