1. Toilet.
2. To urinate or deficate.
1.I have to use the potty.
2.I have to go potty.
by Kenzie November 27, 2003
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What little kids call the toilet.
Mommy I need to go poo-poo in the potty!!!! Mommy I need to pee-pee in the potty!!!!
by Rayman280 July 17, 2012
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1. toilet
2. having to go to the toilet
Mom i have to go to the bathroom!!! Mom!! i have to go now!!! Not now honey, you should have gone at home. But i have to go now!!!! MOM!!! ssss too late now
by AcornMuffin November 5, 2004
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A toilet where a toddler goes on
My little bro had to use the potty today to take a huge shit
by jessibe January 30, 2015
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A counter-strike player of clan Schroet Kommando. www.schroet.com. He owns he uses 640x480 res, 3.2 winxp sens no accel, MS optical 1.1a. he owns
Potti owned team 9 in CS at CPL.
by Dj V3x is my AIM sn July 24, 2003
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My husband gets stoned all the time. What a damn potty!
by Bigmama99 April 10, 2015
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