Polaric is a derriviative of the word "polarity" used contextually to create disparate contrast between to polar opposites.
Girl: Hey can I try a sip of ur martini? Ewww that tastes awful!
Boy: Well ur sipping on an espresso sweet martini. U can't go from there to my glass of peaty scotch that's just too polaric.
by lovical February 28, 2010
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n. A thing that is the cause of controversy on both sides. Something that is either loved or hated with no in between
Grease 2 is a polarizer. You either love it or you hate it.”
by TwinFami October 12, 2018
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'help me polarize, help me polarize, help me out' - tyler joseph
by tylersbeautyworld March 23, 2017
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Polarize is taking your disguises
Separating 'em, splitting 'em up from wrong and right
It's deciding where to die and deciding where to fight
(Deny, deny, denial)
-Help me Polarize, help me polarize, help me down
-Tyler Joseph needs help polarizing
by TakeAChillPhill July 30, 2017
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the quality or condition inherent in a body that exhibits oppossite properties or powers in opposite parts or directions
by Anonymous August 26, 2003
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"That jacket is so polar, Shannon! Where'd you get it?"
by Donna K. March 28, 2003
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Someone who has the potential to be a cool online game player, but they struggle to meet the coolness requirements
Polar tried to be cool, but she was compared to Goaticus’ awesomeness and couldn’t make the cut.
by Goaticus. October 30, 2018
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